Transforming Orthopaedic Surgery: The Rise of Ambulatory Surgical Centers

Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) are becoming integral players in the field of orthopaedic surgery, offering a range of benefits that enhance patient outcomes and streamline care processes. An ASC, often referred to as an outpatient healthcare facility, provides same-day surgical care, making it a convenient and efficient option for those in need of orthopaedic procedures. This model has seen a significant rise in popularity in recent years, evidenced by a notable 47% increase in the monthly average volume of claims at ASCs between 2020 and 2021. Projections indicate that by the mid-2020s, a substantial 68% of orthopaedic surgeries will be performed within the walls of ASCs. Ambulatory surgery centers represent a modern approach to healthcare delivery, emphasizing convenience, efficiency, and quality. These facilities focus on providing same-day surgical care, encompassing a range of diagnostic and preventive procedures. They have revolutionized the outpatient experience for millions of individuals, offering a viable alternative to hospital-based outpatient procedures. Despite their streamlined operations, ASCs maintain a steadfast commitment to quality care and positive patient outcomes.

One of the most significant advantages of orthopaedic surgery in an ASC setting is the reduced risk of hospital-acquired infections during the critical postoperative recovery period. A comprehensive study analyzing over 1 million surgeries conducted in ASCs revealed a remarkable finding—ASCs boast a post-operative surgical site infection rate six times lower than that of hospital outpatient surgery departments. This marked improvement in infection control provides patients with a safer environment for their recovery, alleviating concerns and enhancing overall satisfaction with their surgical experience.

Moreover, the streamlined nature of operations within ASCs offers orthopaedic surgeons a level of freedom and efficiency often unattainable in hospital settings. The reduction in bureaucratic hurdles allows surgeons to have greater control over their surgery schedules, ultimately leading to improved patient care and satisfaction. Operating in specialized ASCs further enhances the skills of orthopaedic surgeons, enabling them to perform surgeries with greater precision and predictability. Consider an ASC dedicated solely to knee and hip replacement procedures—such focused facilities allow for investments in specialized training and cutting-edge equipment tailored specifically for these surgeries.

It’s important to note that ASCs are distinct from other healthcare facilities such as rural health clinics, urgent care centers, or ambulatory care centers. They exclusively treat patients who have already consulted with a healthcare provider and have chosen surgery as the appropriate treatment for their condition. ASCs are equipped with at least one dedicated operating room, outfitted with the necessary equipment to ensure the safe and effective performance of surgeries while maintaining the highest standards of patient care. In essence, the growing role of Ambulatory Surgical Centers in orthopaedic surgery signifies a shift towards patient-centered, efficient, and safer surgical care. With lower infection rates, enhanced surgeon efficiency, and specialized care, ASCs are poised to lead the way in modern orthopaedic practice, offering patients a higher level of comfort, convenience, and confidence in their surgical journeys.


Orthopedic Surgery Trends for 2023

What is an ASC?

What Are Ambulatory Surgery Centers? What ASCs Are Not

Ambulatory Surgery Center Facts

Shifting point of care to ambulatory surgery centers

2020 Ambulatory Surgery Center Market Report

Benchmarking study of 1,000,000 surgeries in ASCs demonstrates minimal surgical site infections, emergency department visits and readmission rates