The New Internet Predictions for 2024 and Beyond: Future Applications for a Global Quantum Internet

Predictions for 2024 and beyond, include the development of a  “high speed, high fidelity, multi-users, long-distance” quantum internet infrastructure. “The China development team, known as the “No. 1 Metropolitan Quantum Internet of UESTC” is creating a quantum infrastructure by “combining integrated quantum light sources, quantum repeaters, and quantum information nodes.”  The development team predicts that the quantum infrastructure will promote the practical application of the global quantum internet.

Quantum Applications

Quantum applications are at the core of the global quantum internet’s development. From cryptography to simulation and optimization, these applications exploit quantum properties to solve complex problems using photon signals for quantum signal teleportation, which is more efficient, secure and has less noise than the classical communications and signals used by present-day computers. China and Europe have been at the forefront of exploring quantum applications.

Quantum Internet Applications Challenge

The race to create a Quantum Internet is a global one with the Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA) of Europe launching its first ever Quantum Internet Application Challenge encouraging participants to shape the future of the Global Quantum Internet. In addition, for beginners wanting to learn the basics of quantum networking and who are new to programming in Python, the QIA offers a beginners’ challenge. The QIA’s goal is to “establish an innovative European platform for Quantum Internet development and build a full-stack prototype network that has the potential to become the first of its kind in the world.” The QIA will announce QIA challenge winners in early November 2023.

More Secure, Quieter Internet with Quantum Applications

The development of a global quantum internet holds immense promise for secure and ultra-fast communication with less signal noise and opens new frontiers in technological innovation. Both China and Europe contribute significantly to the advancements in quantum applications and quantum infrastructure and collaboration between countries in the development of the new quantum internet brings hope in the creation of future global quantum internet communications.