Leading the Charge in Surface Safety

As viruses evolve and health trends shift, so does the battlefield for healthcare facility managers. Recent regulations underscore the importance of not just cleaning but understanding the very nature of our invisible adversaries. Research indicates the survival of flu viruses on surfaces for up to 48 hours, making it paramount to address every surface meticulously. Here are some steps to make sure your facility is staying up to code. 

  1. Tailored Cleaning Approaches:
    Understanding the material of each surface is akin to knowing the layout of the battleground. Regulations now suggest varied approaches, such as using alcohol-based wipes for sensitive equipment and bleach-based solutions for high-contact areas, ensuring efficacy without causing damage. 
  2. Updated Protocols:
    As the health landscape evolves, so must our tactics. Training sessions based on current health trends and regulations ensure a unified, informed front. The continuous introduction of touchless technologies and UV cleaning methods in trends demands our workforce be adept and informed. 
  3. Regular Monitoring and Feedback:
    Being on the offensive also means keeping a keen eye on the defenses. Regular audits based on the latest regulations ensure not just compliance but excellence. Feedback mechanisms, combined with real-time health trend monitoring, ensure we are always a step ahead of the threat. 
  4. Alliance with Science: Embracing Health Trends:
    From antimicrobial surfaces to AI-driven cleanliness analytics, embracing and integrating current health trends is not just about innovation, but fortification. By understanding and applying these trends, facilities can predict, prepare, and protect even before a threat emerges. 

As cold and flu season emerges, facility managers and engineers are responsible for countless individuals to safeguard against the spread of germs. By staying compliant with current regulations, HFMs can keep their facilities safe and pristine.